Meditation for Peace

From Tami Bogard / Namaste Studios:

“Please join me for a virtual, guided meditation in our Yoga Room at Namaste Studios. Today's meditation is based in stillness, where being present is our focus. Remember, meditation is more about what you don't do than what you do, so do not be concerned about "doing it right". 

"Each one has to find peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." Mahatma Gandhi

Find a comfortable place to sit, either in a chair or on the floor. 

Tami Bogard has been a Personal Fitness Trainer since 1991, Yoga and Meditation Instructor since 2003, Acupressurist since 2012, and is the owner of Namaste Studios in Rockford, Illinois. Visit @namastestudios on Instagram or Namaste Studios on Facebook for information about classes.   


Yoga for Peace


Peace in Nature