Peace in Music
“Changamano” sung in Swahili and English, by the Rockford Area Peace Choir including choirs from Machesney Elementary School, Keith School and Auburn High School under the direction of Rodney Cain.
"Come-unity, The People of the River" is a song inspired by a dream the day before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in January of 2020. In the dream, MLK is saddened that his dream has become just a day off of school rather than a serious commitment to "Do the Dream". This dream lead to the formation of the "Do the Dream" band, a diverse group representative of our diverse "Caity of the Rock River". “
“Come-unity, The People of the River” is a call to action, not a holiday…
Written by Jim Roberts and David Stocker
Singers and musicians:
Linda Zuba
David Stocker
Dorothy Paige-Turner
Michelle Markley
George Davis
Sallyann Roberts
Blazey Onyango
Jim Roberts
Production team:
Camera and Edits: Charles Johannsen
Sound: Bill Houtcamp
Peace Like A River - Listener Kids